Adaptive modern housing: shifting notions of comfort and the transformation of domestic space for contemporary living
Zara Castelo Ferreira – CITUA (Técnico – University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Olivais Sul, Lisboa, Portugal (original project by Manuel Costa Martins, Hernâni Gandra, Manuel Coutinho Raposo and José das Neves Galhoz, 1962-1964)
– Adaptive modern housing: shifting notions of comfort and the transformation of domestic space for contemporary living
Zara Castelo Ferreira
– Departure from the Chandigarh Style: Contemporary Adaptations to the Regulated Marla House
Priya Gupta
– Exploring the Evolution of the Mass-Empty Space Relationship for Social Sustainability in Shushtar New Town: Insights from Kamran Diba’s Design
Etemadi, Parisa
Casal Ribeiro, Helder
– Modern Archaeologies: Sustainable Strategies for Social Housing Building in Athens, 1950-1970
Chrysostomos Theodoropoulos
– Reflections on Minimum Space Living in Macau
Niccolò Arnaldo Galliano
Ana Tostoes
– Spatial Decolonisation of the Modern Middle-class Housing of Mozambique
Patricia Noormahomed