Beyond CIAM: Transnational Networks of Late Modernism
Marta García Carbonero – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Brett Tippey– Kent State University, Ohio
– Beyond CIAM: Transnational Networks of Late Modernism
García Carbonero, Marta
Tippey, Brett
– Exploring Beyond Borders: The Significance of Pequeños Congresos in the Valuation of Spanish Architecture
Ana Esteban Maluenda
– From Valparaíso to Vancouver: Pan-American Networks and Poetic Visions of a Unified America
Oscar Andrade Castro
– Prishtina Shunning Critique: An Encounter with the Radical Architecture Movement
Edmond Drenogllava
– Situated and Creative. Two acts on housing design, participation, and methods in Latin American Late Modernism.
Guido Campi
– Unveiling Post-Independence Discourse of Modern Indian Architecture: Insights from Design Magazine (1957)
Pappal Suneja