
Uta Pottgiesser, Chair Docomomo International (TU Delft/TH OWL)

Monika Markgraf, Docomomo Germany (Registers Committee)


02/04/2024 11:00 am

Date details

Santiago Chile 11:00 hrs (UTC -3)


The continuous documentation of modern masterpieces, emblematic neighborhoods and ordinary buildings and ensembles is at the very heart of Docomomo’s mission. Documentation has been the source of academic and professional exchange within Docomomo’s community in order to understand, protect, conserve and reuse the heritage of Modern Movement. The Docomomo International Specialist Committees Registers (ISC/Registers) was the first one to be established to engage the  to engage the National Working Partiesin developing a global inventory of modern architecture and its conservation.

In its current homework Docomomo Germany documented impressive examples of conservation and reuse that can serve as best practices for different conservation approaches.

The session will give an overview of the current state of the discourse related to conservation technology and conservation management including latest impressions from the Docmomo Germany Conference 2024 dealing with large-scale buildings such as Airport Tegel, Airport Tempelhof or the famous Berlin ICC.