
Yıldız Salman, Co-chair Docomomo_Turkey (Istanbul Technical University)

Nilüfer Baturayoğlu Yöney, Secretary Docomomo_Turkey (University of Central Florida)

İlke Alatlı, secretariat Docomomo_Turkey (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University)


04/06/2024 11:00 am

Date details

11:00 am Santiago Chile | (UTC -4)



Founded in 2002, docomomo_Turkey’s mission has been the recognition, documentation and conservation of modern urban and architectural heritage in Turkey. In the last 20+ years, many campaigns, collaboration with other specialist NGOs and central and local administrations have been developed, and supported with national and international conferences and publications. The Local Manifestations of Modern Architecture in Turkey poster conferences, the 20th of which will be held this year, has been especially instrumental in documenting nearly 1500 buildings and sites so far, including more ordinary examples. The campaigns and recognition of good practice examples are supported by national conferences and seminars as well.

The session will provide an overview of the efforts of docomomo_Turkey and the current threats against the conservation of modern heritage, such as urban development and earthquake risk.