Santiago – Valparaíso – Viña del Mar
The Organizing Committee of the 18th. Docomomo International Conference offers its participants a program of visits to buildings and sites located in Santiago, Valparaíso and Viña del Mar. The visits will be guided by members of Docomomo Chile.
All the tours will be guided by Docomomo Members, with the collaboration of host institutions and public and private owners.
Chile is a strongly centralized country, with most of its population living in the capital, Santiago, and some nearby cities, such as Valparaíso and Viña del Mar. The continental territory extends for more than 5,000 km facing the Pacific Ocean and has about 380 km in its most comprehensive portion between the Andes Mountain range and the sea. This determines the day-long tours that are possible, taking the Conference venue as the starting point.

United Nations Building, Emilio Duhart, 1960-1966. Photo: Andrés Téllez
Momo Tours
Day 1 / Monday 9 December
Tour 1
Modern architecture in central Santiago
9:00 to 13:00
This tour includes the first modern buildings made in the city, later larger-scale interventions and a diversity of architectural programs. The tour will take you through the original urban fabric of the city and you will see how modern architecture was inserted into the pre-existing conditions. Highlights of this tour include the Santa Lucía and Oberpaur buildings, Barrio Cívico urban plan, and the Universidad de Chile Law School.
Note: This tour will be done on foot.
Tour 2
Modern Housing, Unidad Vecinal Portales and Technical University
9:00 to 12:00
This tour focuses on one of the largest housing projects carried out by state agencies in areas near the center of Santiago. It also includes the campus of the State Technical University, located next to the Portales Neighborhood Unit.
Note: This tour will be done on foot.
Tour 3
Housing Complexes in Ñuñoa
15:00 to 19:00
This tour is dedicated to large housing projects carried out by state agencies on the outskirts of Santiago in the 1960s. It includes the Villa Los Presidentes, Villa Frei and Villa Olímpica housing estates.
Day 2 / Tuesday 10 December
Tour 4
Modern architecture in central Santiago
9:00 to 13:00
This tour includes the first modern buildings made in the city, later larger-scale interventions and a diversity of architectural programs. The tour will take you through the original urban fabric of the city and you will see how modern architecture was inserted into the pre-existing conditions. Highlights of this tour include the Santa Lucía and Oberpaur buildings, Barrio Cívico urban plan, and the Universidad de Chile Law School.
Tour 5
The Chapel of Las Condes Benedictine Monastery and the Military Academy
(Escuela Militar del Libertador Bernando O’Higgins).
9:00 to 13:00
The complex formed by the Monastery and its chapel is one of the best examples of modern architecture in Chile. Located on the outskirts of the city, it takes advantage of an exceptional location in the Santiago Valley. The Military Academy is a large-scale complex designed by Juan Martínez, one of the pioneer modern architects in Chile.
Day 3 / Wednesday 11 December
Tour 6
Contemporary Architecture in Santiago
9:00 to 12:00
Considered as an heir to modern architecture, an important part of contemporary architecture in Santiago has been recognized for its high quality at an international level. The campus of the Catholic University in San Joaquín and the Bicentenario Park in Vitacura will be visited.
Day 4 / Saturday 14 December
Tour 7
Viña del Mar
IAV Open City
8.30 to 19:00
During the day, we will first visit the cities of Valparaíso and Viña del Mar, whose modern architecture has contributed to the enrichment of their public spaces and new relationships between architecture, city and landscape. Among the landmarks are the Naval Academy, the Quebrada Márquez housing complex, the buildings around Plaza Sotomayor, the Lord Cochrane complex, the Cap Ducal restaurant and the Montemar Institute of Marine Biology. Then, the tour will continue to the Open City of Amereida, where, since the seventies, one of the most important experiments in the teaching and practice of architecture and design in Latin America has taken place.
Note: This tour includes transportation between the event venue and the places to visit. There will be a break for lunch, this will be paid for by each participant.
Day 4 / Saturday December 14th
Tour 8
Contemporary Architecture in Santiago (new and long circuit)
9:00 to 18:00
This tour will visit examples of contemporary architecture and landscape in Santiago. We will visit the Bahai Temple, a wonderful example of religion, landscape, and unique architecture by Hariri Pontarini Architects. The visit will continue to the campus of the Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, designed by renowned architect José Cruz, coexisting with the natural landscape and environment of the pre-mountains. The tour ends at the Concha y Toro vineyard, for an amazing tour of the historic manor house and cellar, including a wine-tasting experience. There will be a stop for lunch at the vineyard Restaurant, with several menu options to choose from, depending on your specific dietary needs. Lunch is not included in the tour price, so each passenger must pay for lunch separately.
General notes
1. These tours may be modified based on reservations, availability of space in vehicles and/or locations and other factors. Please stay aware of modifications to this program.
2. There will be a special bus service between the event venue and the start and end point of the tour. A fee will be charged for tours except for those in central Santiago (Tours 1 and 4). The sum will be informed promptly.
3. To participate in the Tours it is necessary to enter the Conftool platform and register, if you have already done so «Edit your participant Registration Details»