The Natural House in the Modern City: Ideological Principles, Technical Devices and Urban Projects
Joaquin Medina Warmburg – Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany
Horacio Torrent Schneider – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

Wladimiro Acosta. Integral City Block. From: Acosta, W. Vivienda y ciudad. Buenos Aires: Aresti. 1936.
– The Natural House in the Modern City: Ideological Principles, Technical Devices and Urban Projects
Horacio Torrent
Joaquín Medina
– Devices for the Perception of Nature. Richard Neutra’s Suburban Single-Familiy Houses
Matthias Brunner
– From Eden to Babylon. The role of Nature in Lima’s Unidades Vecinales
Sharif Kahatt
– Modern Housing Production on the Axis of Industry: The Expanding Boundaries of Istanbul
Yıldız Salman
Burak Ozturk
– The Growing City. The Hybrid Character of Nature in Schwagenscheidt´s Raumstadt Concept.
Moran Lev
– Villages, houses and gardens. Catholicism contribution to social housing in Uruguay
Mary Mendez