Modern Housing
Living the future

Portales Neighborhood Unit. Bresciani, Valdés, Castillo, Huidobro. 1953-1967. Photo: Andrés Téllez.
The Docomomo International Workshop focuses on exploring the heritage of the Modern Movement through dynamic engagement with sustainability and cultural diversity. It aims to develop strategies for extending the life of housing complexes and addressing community challenges.
The Workshop also seeks to train future generations with the knowledge to appreciate and preserve modern heritage, aligning with the educational goals of the Docomomo Manifesto on Education.
This Workshop focuses on Santiago’s large neighbourhood units and modern housing heritage. Students will engage in five exercises to explore adaptations for future challenges while preserving heritage values.
The topics that this Workshop intends to explore are:
• Public and private spaces
• Design for Community Involvement
• Housing units for the future.
• Facades devices for sustainable living
• Cars and new transportation systems
Case Studies:
• Portales neighbourhood unit
• Providencia neighbourhood unit
• Olympic Villa
• Villa Frei
• Villa Los Jardines